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Mobile Optimization

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What Is Mobile Optimization?

Mobile optimization is the continuous process of improving the in-app experience through testing. The variables that can be optimized through A/B testing include user interface, user flows, and user onboarding.

How Does Mobile Optimization Work?

Mobile A/B testing is one of the most effective tools for optimizing mobile apps. In this process, customers are presented with two versions of the same content. Then, the A/B testing platform records the results to see which version performs better. For example, a marketer may want to test two different versions of a call to action button by presenting alternative text to two sets of users. Once the marketer gains enough data, they can use this information to decide which option converts best and make changes accordingly.

Marketers can apply mobile A/B testing to a huge host of variables. Examples include the in-app user interface, such as buttons; messaging, such as audience segments; and channels, such as push notifications. Marketers can also test multiple variables, which is known as multivariate testing, though it is more difficult to make accurate conclusions from this without large volumes of data.

Another key facet of mobile optimization is user onboarding. This is the process of creating the best user experience from the moment a new user downloads the app. It‰’s key to making a good first impression. A well-optimized mobile app will create a personalized experience for users by sending them notifications such as welcome emails, together with easy-to-use tutorials and incentives to engage. For example, Instagram users are invited to connect with their friends upon downloading the app, thus creating an incentive and improving customer retention rates.

What Does Mobile Optimization Mean For Marketers?

An optimized app with an easy-to-use interface will improve customer retention rates and increase the value of each individual user. However, marketers should be wary that their apps can‰’t afford to stay stagnant. Apps should adapt to changes in customer trends, App Store algorithms, and more.

Mobile marketers can stay ahead of the curve by carrying out frequent mobile A/B tests to provide the best user experience possible. This affects every point in the user journey, from engaging users at the initial app download to ensuring they convert with a well-signposted user interface. Marketers can then use this data to create long-term marketing strategies via mobile marketing automation. By using an integrated mobile marketing tool, marketers can rank highly in the App Store and create high value, lifelong customers.

For more information on how to make your app stand out from the crowd on the App Store, visit Leanplum‰’s article on boosting App Store downloads.