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Personalized Journeys (and the Impact they can make for your CRM Strategy)

Watch this panel discussion from App Promotion Summit Berlin where Wout Laban, Head of Customer Success, at Leanplum led an App Engagement panel with Elena Bazai, Head of Growth at CodeCheck, Kai Glinin, CRM & Growth Manager at Ada Health and Jon Genovard, CRM & Retention Manager at ShareTheMeal to discuss and elaborate on creating Personalized Journeys and the Impact they can make for your CRM Strategy.

For app-first companies, Leanplum is the only solution that helps personalize and optimize all customer touchpoints, both inside and outside the app. Leanplum combines multi-channel Lifecycle Marketing with the ability to A/B test the Product Experience for complete, end-to-end personalization of the mobile journey. Break down organizational silos and eliminate point solutions to enable rapid growth.